
Inceler Medikal


Device Features

The focusing mechanism, directs each shock to a specific point in the body. Modus ED SWT is used in physiotherapy, orthopedics, veterinary medicine, and urology for treating erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence. Acoustic waves are used in the shock wave therapy to initiate the neovascularization process in some parts of the body. New blood vessels are formed as a result of neovascularization. As a result of increased penile blood flow with the formation of new vessels, the body’s natural erection system recovers to its normal state.

Because of non-invasive treatment method of Modus ED SWT, there is no need to surgical intervention. After sessions lasting an average of 20 minutes, the patient can continue his/her daily routine.

Features of the Focused Product
  • Modus Focused ED SWT provides impulses up to 4 Hz and 0.25mJ.
  • Head options are offered for providing shock wave transmission up to a penetration depth of 0 – 80 millimeters.
  • Portable, useful anywhere and anytime.
  • It offers visual, written and video narration information with ready-made treatment programs. (Indications and Pathological application guide)
  • It provides archive support to the user with the patient registration and follow-up menu.
  • The ability to change Frequency and Power settings during treatment provides ease of use.
  • The adjusted parameters during the treatment can be easily viewed from the device screen and changes can be made.
  • The generator and the handpiece unit are maintenance-free.
Modus Focused Handpiece Features
  • In-depth energy delivery to the selected anatomical region
  • Easy and fast use that does not tire the hand
  • Easy mobility
  • Maintenance-free handpiece
  • Head options with easy replacement according to use
Effectiveness Of Shock Wave Therapy

“As shock waves pass through different tissues, some of their energy is transmitted to the tissue and some is reflected. Micro-level changes are seen according to the physical properties of the tissue.” (Sems, Dimeff & Ianotti JP., 2006).

With shock wave therapy, the therapeutic result is easily achieved by transmitting more energy to the tissue.


Lithobox offers more than what you expect from a pneumatic lithotripter. Lithobox provides fast, effective and safe results. There are different probe options according to the area used in kidney stone crushing surgeries.

  • Effective and successful area of use
  • Easy and comfortable usage
  • Superior quality and economic price
  • 5 times stronger and closed circuit-lockable handpiece
  • 5 different probe options
Special suction apparatus for Lithobox

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy Surgery (PNL)

Bladder Stones Treatment

Uretero-Renoscopy (URS) Application


LITHOBOX ZERO is an Intracorporeal Ultrasonic Pneumatic Combined Kidney Stone Crushing System. This design provides a special advantage in combination with clinical data. It is based on the principle of reabsorption with the disintegration of the stone and its aspiration feature.Lithobox ZERO is designed for combined use. With the combined use of Pneumatic and Ultrasonic systems, two times stronger effect is created, and the stone breaking time is shortened.

You can easily break urinary system stones, either in pneumatic mode, in ultrasonic mode, or by combining both modes without causing any complications for the patient.

  • An easier and faster operation with combined use
  • Different sizes of ultrasonic and pneumatic probes with longer life
  • Ergonomic hand grip that does not tire the hand
  • Strong aspiration feature

It is in a structure that can easily break the urinary stones without causing any complications for the patient by using pneumatic method, ultrasonic method or both methods at the same time.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PNL) Application

Uretero-Renoscopy (URS) Application

Bladder Stones Treatment Application

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PNL) Application


    • SPARK ESWL Lithotripsy System has a compact and simple structure that includes a treatment table and fluoroscopy unit.
    • In the SPARK ESWL system, all operations can be done with a remote control. During lithotripsy, the focus of the device can be controlled from any desired location. Any brand of ultrasonic scope device can be added to our system through the uniquely designed ultrasound localization arm.
    • C-armless version is also available for users who prefer to use the device with a stand-alone or external C-Arm imaging system.

  • İnceler Medikal ESWL Systems has a compact structure with Stone Crushing Unit, Patient Treatment Table and C-arm Scopy System. C-armless model can be produced for those who want to use it with another C-arm Scopy.



SPARK ESWL electrohydraulic shock wave system transmits the high maximum energy that enables effective stone crushing over a wide focus with the best impact rate. This is how it provides low energy density for non-invasive treatment.

  • Patient information
  • Medical history
  • Stone details
  • Stone fragmentation parameters
  • Laboratory information
  • X-ray dosage information
  • Statistical information can be transferred to software programs.
  • The software not only archives patient and treatment data, but also stores patient images in DICOM format.
  • Recorded patient images and treatment can also be written on CD/DVD. Moreover, the recorded information can be formatted so that images can be viewed on a regular PC.



All the shock wave produced in the Spark EM model Electromagnetic ESWL system is focused on the focal point via an acoustic lens and only the focused shock wave is transferred to the patient. All the shock wave produced is for stone breaking purposes. There is no scattered wave except the focused shock wave. Therefore, by producing a lower level of shock wave, it becomes easier to break the stones and the patient feels less pain.

Since the focal size at the focal point of ESWL devices working with the electromagnetic principle is much smaller, less damage is given to the tissue during the stone crushing process.

In Spark EM, the shock head geometry is designed in such a way that the patient can be fully approached to the shock head. In this way, the stones of obese patients can be easily broken.

In the system, the pressure of the water in the head is constantly measured and controlled, thus the most appropriate contact between the patient’s movements and the water pad with the patient’s skin is ensured.

The gases in the liquid that provides the transmission of the shock wave are continuously separated by a technological system before and during the operation. During the treatment, the gas ratio of the liquid that provides the transmission becomes 1 – 1.5 mgr/lt. Since the dissolved gas ratio in the water used in the device is very low, the efficiency of stone crushing increases.



The vertical oblique rotation movement of the arm carrying the tube and intensifier can be motorized from the console.

The cranio-caudal rotation angle of the C-Arm is 60 degrees in total. This angle and c-arm movements can be motorized and controlled from the console.





The SPARK EM ESWL electromagnetic shock wave system transmits the high maximum energy that enables perfect stone fragmentation through a deep focus with the best hit rate. This is how it provides low energy density for non-invasive treatment.


The C-arm of our highly effective electromagnetic shock wave system provides maximum energy for excellent stone disintegration, a wide focus for the best possible hit rate, and low energy density for gentle treatment.

With the 6-axis movable ultrasonic arm, the stone can be viewed.

The location of the stone is determined with an external ultrasonography device.

The system is commanded with a single button.

The automatic table system with sensors automatically brings the stone into focus.

In this way, the stone breaking process can be started directly.

It can be adapted to any type of lithotripter.

It can be used with the convex probe of all kinds of ultrasonography devices.