Medilix Medical

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Welcome To

Medilix Medical

Medilix Medical is a well established company started in 2015 which was founded by Mr. Aditya Singh who has Experience of more than 15 Years. Medilix Medical is an importer and distributor of medical equipment, devices, surgical instruments, and disposables that are used in medical emergencies and hospitals. We include overall devices and possess a Domain of Government Tenders, Trust hospitals, Corporate Hospitals and stand-alone hospitals.

Director's Message

From the Director's Desk

I started my career in the field of Nursing, during this period I got the chance to work with a lot of big hospital, but the thing that worried me the most was the quality of products and services that were being given.

So in the year 2015 I decided to enter the field of Marketing and Servicing of Medical equipments specially the Plastic Surgery, Critical care, Ortho and Gastroenterology. Although we had a lot of hiccups in the beginning and we really struggled a lot in getting good partners, but because of our Aim, our Mission, our determination and the effort put in by our team in terms of dedication, commitment and hard work we were able to join hand with renowned market leaders.

Hence our journey to satisfaction of providing quality products and services began in the year 2015.

Our Growth Chart


Meet Our Team

Aditya Singh

